Singer Ernie Aguilar Sh0t & K!lled in Tennessee Nashville, TN

May 2024 · 5 minute read

The death of a Rodrigo Ernesto Aguilar early Saturday morning in an apartment complex near his Bellevue home has prompted a murder investigation.

At before 7:15 a.m. on Saturday, May 27, a resident of the Slate Apartments in the 7400 block of Highway 70 South called police to report that they had discovered Rodrigo Ernesto Aguilar, 60, unresponsive outside their unit.

Aguilar was seen on security film retuning to his Bellevue Road home after work around 1:30 a.m., according to the authorities.

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It was stated that when Aguilar was unloading his truck, he saw something out of view, moved toward the spot, and was shot and killed.

Just after 2 a.m., police were called to allegations of gunfire in the vicinity, but they reportedly found neither a casualty nor a crime scene.

This fatal shooting is still under investigation by the Homicide Unit, and no new information has been disclosed.

The Bellevue Middle School Parent Teacher Organization hailed Aguilar (nicknamed “Ernie”) as a cherished member of the school staff and urged members of the community to attend a candlelight memorial in his honor at 7 p.m. on Sunday, May 28, adjacent to the Bellevue Middle School football field.

“Ernie was a joyful and helpful member of our community, and all who interacted with him felt better after having done so,” the PTO said on Facebook.

Call Nashville Crime Stoppers at 615-742-7463 if you know anything regarding Aguilar’s death. The $5,000 prize for information leading to an arrest in cases of murder or cold.

Family and friends pour in their grievances on Facebook timelines, see some below:

Word seems to be spreading, so I’m going to go ahead and share this now. One of life’s hard punches just happened… the kind that make you feel sick. This one’s gonna take a minute, so bare with me. I just got word that one of my dear friends in life was murdered last night. The news articles are also now being published (see links in the first comment, below). If you’ve followed Sammy through the years, and been to any shows through that time, you may know him as well. Ernie was there, playing bass, since the first day I was hired, and for many years before he moved on to playing cruise ships and other things in life. Just as with most of my/our road family, I’ve kept in touch with Ernie through the years, hanging out, eating, talking laughing, and just discussing life. Ernie even became friends with probably nearly all of my close non-road-life friends. I’m never happy unless my inner circle truly is one big connected family. That was very easy with Ernie. He would easily qualify into that “nicest guy in the world” category, and he easily got along with and cared about EVERYone. Ernie…murdered?? WHAT?? I don’t quite know how to process this. I’ve been walking in the city park today… thinking… and thinking… about life… and… stuff. Lots of stuff. Ernie is one guy, one human being, amongst the billions of us around this globe. Countless billions of lives have lived here before us, and left this place. The current billions of us living here now will also all leave this place. You, and I, will leave this place. For us personally, right this moment, it seems far off, unbelievable as an actual reality… yet it’s going to be, and just as “real’ly” as is this very moment. It came to be for Ernie, today… albeit utterly senselessly and tragically. What’s it all mean?? What matters?? What’s important?? People have had as varied beliefs and opinions about those questions through the millennia of time, across vast cultures of human history, as many opinions and thoughts as there are individual people. You have your own. We’re each our own inner self, our own inner “me”, and no one experiences our personal “me” except our own self. And we have our opinions, viewpoints, and perspectives. We could talk about all that, and no doubt go into our personal beliefs about God, the nature of God’s existence and our own existence, if you do or do not believe there is ultimately a Creator God and an “afterlife”, and the multiple dissenting viewpoints about ALL of that. I’ve been down those paths… what I consider to be rather deeply. Those depths become far too much to fully grasp. It’s all overwhelming. But I try. And here I am now, walking, “pondering” all of that, and realizing I can always only barely scratch the surface of the depths of everything there is to consider about… life. Ernie could have that kind of talk. We did. Several times. So what’s the ultimate Truth, and what REALLY matters? We could dive deeply into that, and agree and disagree on much. But as for me, I’m considering that if we’re not loving people, all people, everyone, as deeply as we can while we’re here… we’re missing it all. Ernie also knew that. (click on Ernie’s name in the heading above, or down below. You’ll see his Facebook page, and people’s thoughts and realization about who Ernie is… and the utterly heartbreaking tragedy for those who know him) I’m going to go walk some more now… My personal inner “me” is thankful for you… no matter how well we do or don’t know one another. Very thankful… Trust me.

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