Real People Share Their Affair Stories on Reddit

May 2024 · 2 minute read

7. They had a work flirtation that turned into something more

Even if something feels good at the time, it might not be worth it later. ABC

"I was the other guy in a two-plus year-long affair. She was married and still is. No happy ending for me at least.

"Former work associates, we'd hung out a few times and just watched TV/movies, smoked, drank but nothing happened for a long time. I had an emotional and physical attraction to her, and the feeling was mutual. But we never crossed a line.

"One time at a party she got too drunk and since I was her ride, we both stayed there, in a spare bed together. Honestly, I wanted the intimacy of being close to somebody, and I wanted to make sure she didn't get sick in her sleep. I didn't do anything, and neither did she. Nothing happened that night.

"We hung out a week or so later, and she said she had liked my beard rubbing against her, and then asked me to do it again. This progressed over days to more intimately cuddling, grinding, groping and finally I kissed her. It was awesome.

"Making out progressed to oral then she really wanted to have sex one night. I declined at first (really) but we had sex. Then again, and again.

"She explained sometime after this that at the beginning she was feeling distant from her husband, he was pushing her to have kids and, according to her, being a d---. I wasn't that guy.

"It ended fairly recently because she was 'trying to distance herself from me,' and kept saying that, to the point I just said f--- it and gave up. It ended up in a minor argument and she asked if I wanted to break up, I said I wasn't certain, so she dumped me instead." — Reddit user other_guy123
