How to Fix / Solve: Lethal Company Jetpack Not Working - SarkariResult

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Troubleshooting Guide for Lethal Company Jetpacks

News: If you’re an avid Lethal Company player grappling with jetpack malfunctions, take heart – you’re not navigating this alone. A multitude of players have faced identical challenges with their in-game jetpacks. In this piece, we’ll explore the prevalent causes behind these operational hiccups and furnish effective fixes to get your jetpack soaring smoothly once more.

Checking the Temperature

The primary cause behind jetpack malfunction is overheating. Continuous usage without intervals for cooling can lead to its overheating, posing a risk of potential explosion. To avert this danger, monitor the temperature gauge vigilantly and ensure to let the jetpack cool down whenever it reaches unsafe heat levels.

Avoid Overloading

Another contributing factor to potential jetpack malfunctions is overloading. It’s crucial to avoid burdening the jetpack with excessive weight or subjecting it to continuous, uninterrupted usage without intervals. This practice can strain its functionality and lead to potential issues.

Activating the Jetpack Properly

Before utilizing the jetpack, it’s essential to equip it properly. One common oversight is the improper activation of the jetpack, which often leads to its failure to operate as expected.

Checking for Damage

In the event of overheating or damage sustained during gameplay, the jetpack may necessitate repairs to restore its functionality.

Consulting the Terminal Console

If your jetpack continues to exhibit malfunctioning issues, accessing the Terminal Console within the game can be beneficial. It allows you to check for in-game instructions or troubleshooting steps specifically designed to aid in the repair of the jetpack.

Reacquiring the Jetpack

If all previous attempts fail to rectify the issue, acquiring a new jetpack might be necessary. Generally, this involves returning to your character’s ship and placing an order for a replacement through the terminal system. However, this process typically demands in-game credits for the transaction.

If every troubleshooting step outlined earlier has proved ineffective, your last recourse is to seek assistance from Lethal Company’s support team. They can provide the necessary guidance and aid to resolve the persistent issues with your jetpack.

To summarize, when encountering jetpack issues in Lethal Company, there’s a range of actions to address the problem. Monitoring temperature, preventing overloading, ensuring correct activation, inspecting for damage, consulting the terminal console, repurchasing if needed, and reaching out to Lethal Company’s support team are effective steps. Following these guidelines enhances the likelihood of restoring your jetpack’s functionality. Happy gaming and may your jetpack troubles be swiftly resolved!


Q: What are the signs indicating that my jetpack might be overheating?

A: Keep an eye on the temperature gauge displayed on your jetpack’s interface. If it starts nearing the maximum safe range, cease using the jetpack promptly and let it cool down.

Q: Is it safe to operate the jetpack continuously without intervals or breaks?

It’s advisable to employ the jetpack in brief intervals to prevent overwhelming it and to permit intervals for rest between each use.

Q: What steps should I take if my jetpack sustains damage?

Examine the jetpack for visible signs of damage and explore in-game options for repair, which might involve using specific tools or visiting a repair station.
