What Happened To Teresa Guidice's Cousin Rosie?

May 2024 · 1 minute read

During Pierri's time on the show, she was often seen as the voice of reason between the Guidice's, the Gorga's, and the Wakile's many feuds. During a final sit-down dinner episode in Season 7, Teresa blatantly told her cousins that "she wanted to cut the cancer out," according to BravoTV.com, and the comparison shocked both Kathy Wakile and Rosie Pierri. That comment was the final spaghetti straw that broke the strained families' backs and was one of the many reasons why Rosie and Kathy decided to leave the show.

"'I'm not going to beg anymore Teresa," Rosie told Teresa, as the two hugged and expressed well-wishes, per People. And Rosie had high hopes for a reconciliation, eventually. "The stuff that happened in the last five years with my cousin and my family – I still love them," Rosie confessed to viewers. "I want to fix all of it. But I can't. I can only pray that everybody settles and lets it go."
