Who Is Aaron Sorkin's Ex-Wife?

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Unlike her famous ex, Julia Sorkin is not a public figure, and it's hard to find out much about her life either before or after her marriage to Aaron Sorkin. What we do know, per a profile on Aaron in The Independent, is that she is an entertainment lawyer — or she was when she and Aaron were first dating — who helped him with his drug addiction in the 1990s. 

The paper reported that when Aaron first started writing the script for "The American President" (which would later evolve into "The West Wing") he would smoke crack regularly. Julia apparently "cleaned him up" and got him into rehab. Eventually, Aaron had a relapse, which led to their divorce in 2005. At the time, it was widely rumored that when Aaron was writing scripts for "The West Wing," he would spend days in a hotel room in L.A. while mainlining crack and banging out pages at a rapid pace. While The Guardian reported those rumors were exaggerated, his addiction was true, and this drug dependency at least partially contributed to his breakup.
