Former Writer Makes Bizarre Allegations Against Randy Orton

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read
Because...they are afraid to lose their job.

Sometimes people who are raped don't report it right away. A lot of factors can play into that. Doesn't mean we should ignore them.

So basically you are saying all Orton did was sexual harassment, no big deal. Wow. That's a horrible view.

Maybe it helps the confidence of other victims and they will come forward as well.

Already stated why above. Insinuating Court wasn't "man enough" is a very immature view.

First of all, on your point on someone losing their job if they reported something.

1) If someone in the workplace said something, it might carry more weight and management might listen to it. Remember, this is an allegation against Randy Orton, not WWE.

Vince might be as horrified and punish Orton for it (I doubt he would, since Orton is still in WWE, despite failing Wellness FOUR times and counting). So an employee saying nothing isn't going to change the situation.

If an employee came to me and told me what was going on in my company, I would more likely investigate the claim than if some ex-employee said it.

2) If someone in WWE have a problem with Randy doing this, talk to others and ask what they think. If you have a few people make the same allegation, then together you could say something.

People believe the allegations against Bill Cosby because 40+ women have said the same thing. So it isn't some random crazy or vindicive ex making an allegation. The more people who say that Orton acts this way, the more likely the allegation is true. But I need more than the word of some random journo who is sniffing for a scandal, and may have been on the end of Orton's notorious temper in the past.

3) If someone won't say anything because they might be fired, then how come journos have "sources".? Often, it is someone who works for that company who will blow the whistle on them. So it doesn't stop people running to the media (rather than the police if sexual harrasment has happened, and making allegations, under the cloak of amoninity, and knowing that a reporter won't bother checking the credibility of the claim).

In fact, I would believe someone who works there's allegations over an ex-employee, who probably got fired and has an axe to grind. The current employee has a lot to lose, so to risk their job because they feel so strongly to say something is more courageous than someone making an allegation who has nothing to lose, and faces no consequence if the allegation is not believed.

4) If a company will fire you for making a legitimate complaint about sexual harrassment, then why do you want to still work for them anyway? Do you want to be at a company who has that as their standards?

Better to lose your job than your conscience, and maybe you are better off working elsewhere, where this isn't going on. But if someone makes an allegation, yet still stays and takes money from them, then they are being a tad hypocritical. If you are SO disgusted by it, you would tell management, and if they would rather keep someone who does that, over you, then screw them.

But a lot of these allegations are made, then the people making them STAY in the situation, meaning that they are happy to get paid to work for a company that allows such disgusting things. It then makes me question the person making the allegations' character.

This isn't the mafia you are dealing with. Making an allegation at a workplace will cost you your job, sooner than your life. But how can someone offended by that continue to work there?

But, let's face it. This isn't someone from WWE making an allegation, it is a reporter, who has a story to get. He can throw a "bomb" and what will happen if it isn't true. He might get sued, but media companies have insurance and it won't cost him a cent. In fact, his editor might even promote him for uncovering a "scandal". Then, next time, Court Bauer says something, people will still believe him, even if he is a liar, because the media reflects society's own prejudices and people would rather see someone they don't like, like Randy Orton, get brought down a few pegs, than they would want to see honesty in journalism.

Randy Orton having a MOTY doesn't get as many hits or comments on here as Randy Orton jerking off to a reporter. Reports like this are gold to the losers out there, who don't have the talent, fame or fortune of Orton, but can at least now be morally superior to him.
