Was Julian Assange In The Family?

May 2024 · 1 minute read

There were wide spread speculations that Australian editor, Julian Assange grew up in the Australian cult called The Family, but he denied the claim.

Assange had once disclosed that Leif Hamilton and his mother’s lover had been members of The Family. Although he denied he was never part of the cult and had never met its founder, Anne Hamilton-Byrne.

Hamilton-Byrne operated the cult for over 20 years. The Family was located  in the countryside outside Melbourne, and lived by its motto – “Unseen, unknown, unheard”.

During that period of the 70s and 80s, several children went missing. Hamilton-Byrne had also adopted children dressing them in matched clothings and bleaching their hair platinum.

She subjected them to vicious physical violence, hunger and emotional abuse.

The police had raided the cult at the point where damages had been done already, marriages broken, families destroyed and a number of escapees committing suicide.

Hamilton-Byrne amassed so much wealth in landed properties and cash gifts from followers.

She was eventually arrested in 1993.
