Teen Mom: OG Recap: Maci Bookout, Taylor McKinney Get Counseling

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Trouble in paradise! Maci Bookout and husband Taylor McKinney headed to marriage counseling on the Monday, June 5, episode of Teen Mom: OG. Amber Portwood also felt like ex Gary Shirley was trying to spite her by rubbing his happiness in her face. 

Check out the biggest moments from the episode:

Bentley Learns to Handle Bullies
Maci’s son Bentley was avoiding going No. 2 at school because he said kids make fun of people who poop at school. This was heartbreaking to Maci, who gave some words of wisdom to her firstborn son and told him exactly what to say to his bullies.

“I’d rather be pooping at school than be full of s—t like you,” she said, and told him to make sure to swear. She isn’t wrong, though!

Farrah Gets Real About Derek
Farrah Abraham admitted that her most recent ex, Simon Saran, struggled with accepting her late boyfriend Derek Underwood’s role in her life. That’s probably why their relationship didn’t last, but it seemed like he still thought they were together and Farrah wasn’t exactly rushing to shoo him away.

Farrah also said she wants to start a newly single life and really get back in the dating scene, which she said her daughter Sophia “likes to be involved” in. Sophia did say she didn’t like a guy Farrah found on a dating app because he was “not like daddy Derek.” That’s one way to tell her to swipe left! 

Amber Calls Her Daughter a ‘Baby Hooker’ 
Amber wants to make sure she makes a lasting impression on her daughter and loves spending time with her. She had to be away from Leah when she went on that trip to Puerto Rico on the May 29 episode, so she was super excited to spend time with her “Boo Boo.” Amber said they were going to spend the weekend staying up all night and did her daughter’s makeup to look like a “baby hooker,” which made Us feel super uncomfortable. 

Catelynn Hasn’t Seen Carly for Almost Two Years
Catelynn Lowell and her husband, Tyler Baltierra, revealed that have not seen their firstborn daughter, Carly, who they placed for adoption, in nearly two years. The couple are working hard on their kids clothing line and starting a foundation for teen moms, but their thoughts seemed to be clouded by not communicating with their daughter’s adopted parents.

“I’ll keep asking, though,” Tyler said about trying to speak to Carly, as this is the longest the couple has gone without getting a visit with their child, who lives in another state.

Amber Feels Mocked by Gary
Amber’s ex Gary cut the fun short and made Amber drop Leah off early to reveal his new house as a surprise to his daughter, which Amber thought was an attack on her. She made her fiance, Matt Baier, drop her off daughter alone because she couldn’t even pretend to be excited her her baby daddy.

“He’ll do things to spite me sometimes,” Amber said. “I could not drop her off.” 

Maci and Taylor Go to Counseling
Maci and Taylor were struggling with having three kids and keeping their marriage healthy. Maci revealed that when the cameras are off, the two will just “drink and freak out” on each other. She decided to bring up going to counseling with her husband to “fix it before it gets too bad to fix,” which he agreed was a good idea.

“I want to be able to help him understand what I’m feeling without saying it in such an a—hole way,” Maci said when the two were at their first session.

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Although it seemed short, it appeared that both of them really want to make things better and have a healthier relationship.

Tell Us: Do you think counseling will help Maci and Taylor?
