Rebekah Goulds murder: 5 chilling details to know

May 2024 · 5 minute read

It took criminal investigators 16 years to settle the strange killing of Rebekah Gould, a 22-year-old Northwest Arkansas Junior college understudy. Gould was seen as clubbed to death close to an expressway a couple of days after she was accounted for missing from her beau’s Guion home. The assault on her occurred inside the house, as proposed by a path of blood proof abandoned by the executioner.

Specialists were simply ready to make a capture regarding Gould’s homicide in November 2020. The man captured was 44-year-old William Mill operator, the primary cousin of the casualty’s then-sweetheart Casey McCullough.

Mill operator purportedly admitted to the killing, expressing that on September 20, 2004, he went into the house under the misrepresentation of needing to utilize the telephone and went after her with a piano leg. He conceded to first-degree murder two years after his capture and was given 40 years in jail.

NBC Dateline will additionally dig into the almost twenty years old homicide of Rebekah Gould in an episode named Mysteries in the Ozarks. The summary for the impending episode says:

“At the point when the collection of 22-year-old undergrad Rebekah Gould is found seven days after she disappeared, speculations about her homicide spin out of control through the Arkansas Ozarks. Dennis Murphy reports.”
The all-new two-hour episode is planned to air this Friday, June 2, at 9:00 pm ET.

Rebekah Gould’s homicide: Five fast facts to be aware of the 2004 beating demise of the Arkansas school student1) Gould was remaining at her sweetheart’s home when she was killed

Rebekah Gould was an understudy at the Northwest Arkansas Junior college situated in Bentonville and purportedly headed to Melbourne with her sister in September 2004. There, she was supposed to enjoy the end of the week with her sweetheart, Casey McCullough, at his Guion home.

On the morning of September 20, Gould supposedly dropped off her beau at work and afterward halted at a local general store “to get espresso and two or three breakfast sandwiches prior to making a beeline for McCullough’s home.” That was the last time she was seen alive. The next day, the 22-year-old was accounted for missing by her loved ones.

2) Rebekah Gould’s body was found a couple of days after she was accounted for missing Gould was accounted for missing on September 21, on one occasion after she was most recently seen alive. The next day, specialists showed up at her sweetheart’s home to lead a government assistance check when they tracked down a path of blood, including a ridiculous sleeping pad that was flipped over in the room, blood-stained sheets and bedding in the clothes washers, and blood-covered walls all through the house. Additionally, her vehicle, telephone, tote, canine, garments, and other individual things were still in the house.

A couple of days after the fact, on September 27, her body was found lost a 35-foot bank off Arkansas Public Expressway 9. Reports express that she had been beat to death and died of two lethal hits to the head while different reports notice that she was additionally choked.

3) Her sweetheart, Casey McCullough told police he didn’t get back on September 20, 2004 As per NEA Report, Rebekah Gould’s then-sweetheart McCullough informed police that he didn’t get back on September 20, when he saw the 22-year-old once and for all. He was purportedly out with companions for a film and supper and went through the night at a companion’s place. The following morning, he even got back to gather work garments however neglected to see the crime location at his home, which appeared to be almost inconceivable given that there was blood flung all around the house.

Examiners at first pronounced McCullough an individual of interest given that the wrongdoing occurred at his home, yet he was rarely officially distinguished as a suspect. Besides, Gould’s assets were abandoned at the house alongside other horrendous proof. There was likewise a lot of fade across the house, which proposed that the executioner attempted to tidy up the scene.

In spite of the fact that analysts looked constantly for Rebekah Gould’s executioner persistently following misleading and pointless leads, the case possibly gathered huge consideration almost 16 years some other time when Specialist Mike McNeill was allocated to it. That’s what McNeill trusted in the event that her sweetheart wasn’t behind the homicide, there was plausible that somebody from his family was involved.

The examination before long based on one of Casey McCullough’s most memorable cousins named William Mill operator, who supposedly visited the home where Gould was killed that very evening. In addition, he was at first grilled regarding the casualty’s vanishing, however no strong proof was at any point found against him.

As the case advanced, earning huge media consideration, criminal investigators made a Facebook page with an end goal to follow Gould’s killer. They expressed that Mill operator was among quick to join the gathering. As a matter of fact, he sent various messages, sharing his thoughts and perspectives about the homicide, throughout the span of 10 months. This raised doubts.

Mill operator was before long requested to take a polygraph test which he purportedly fizzled. Analysts then, at that point, fooled him into admitting to Rebekah Gould’s homicide in November 2020. He uncovered that he went into the house under the trick of utilizing the telephone due to vehicle inconveniences.

Overpowered by a crazy desire to kill Gould, he involved a free piano leg to strike her two times in the head while she lay in her bed and utilized a tie to choke her prior to enclosing her body by a sheet, stacking in toward the rear of the truck, and driving it to the landfill site. He was accused of homicide.

After two years, Mill operator confessed to first-degree murder and was given a 40-year jail sentence.
