Will Ferrell Sings a Song (and Does a Little Dance) About Tight Pants

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Last night, Will Ferrell stopped by Late Night With Jimmy Fallon and, uh, did a little song and dance (no, that's not a metaphor for a showbiz shill—he really did a song and dance!) about—wait for it—tight pants.

Tight pants have been around forever—hello the Jeggings trend that will not die—so I guess it was high time someone poked fun at the trend. And what could be funnier than both Will Ferrell and Jimmy Fallon dancing around onstage in goofy striped sweaters (and crazy wigs) paired with tight white pants. Tighty-whities, anybody?

Am I the only one who thinks tight pants are kind of funny? I would also like to see someone write a song (and, heck, do a little dance) about flatforms, babydoll dresses, and plaid. You?


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