Shelley Winters older or Shirley MacLaine older?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

What's the difference?

Some Scotch tape and red hair dye.

What about Joan Collins?

Oh, I don't think I have the strength. But I have some plaster.

by Anonymousreply 9August 25, 2020 10:04 PM

That movie where a man loses visitation rights with his kids because he... works part time.

by Anonymousreply 1August 9, 2020 7:58 AM

Both correct.

I don't know why I've never that quoted on here.

It should be DL catnip

by Anonymousreply 3August 9, 2020 2:56 PM

Vittoria had no chance against Shell and actress pal Kirkie

"Movie star Shelley Winters realized her dream of marrying boyfriend Gerry DeFord hours before she died this past weekend. The Poseidon Adventure star’s partner of 18 years called off the couple’s wedding plans after Winters’ daughter Vittoria Gassman publicly opposed the marriage. Gassman, who took charge of her mother’s estate while she battled drug problems, refused to give up her right to the actress’ fortune and Winters eventually decided to give up on her wedding dreams. But she became Mrs. Gerry DeFord on her death bed when actress pal Sally Kirkland, a legally ordained Los Angeles minister, wed the couple on Friday night. It was 85-year-old Winters’ fourth marriage and DeFord’s first. Winters died of heart failure 10 hours after exchanging vows."

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by Anonymousreply 6August 25, 2020 9:32 PM

What did you learn from your daughter’s memoir?:

"It was pretty scathing. Please. She had such a good life. How she handles my fame and how she handles her non-fame is a mother-daughter thing."

In her 2013 memoir, "Lucky Me: My Life With — and Without — My Mom, Shirley MacLaine," Sachi Parker, MacLaine's daughter with the businessman Steve Parker, offered a highly critical portrait of the actress as both physically and emotionally distant.

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by Anonymousreply 7August 25, 2020 9:44 PM

“Charming. Would you like to cut my throat now or later?”

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by Anonymousreply 8August 25, 2020 9:58 PM
