The Inside Story Of Their Shocking Split

May 2024 ยท 15 minute read

Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner were in a relationship for over six years before splitting in 2021. The couple met in 2015 while working on the NBC series 'The Blacklist' and began dating shortly after.

The reasons for their split have not been made public, but sources say that the couple simply grew apart over time. They remain friends and continue to work together on 'The Blacklist'.

Eggold is an American actor best known for his roles in 'The Blacklist', 'New Amsterdam', and '90210'. Turner is an American producer and actress best known for her work on 'The Blacklist' and 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit'.

Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner Split

The split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner was a significant event in the lives of both actors, as well as for fans of the NBC series 'The Blacklist'. Here are 9 key aspects of the split:

The split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner is a reminder that even the most seemingly solid relationships can come to an end. It is also a reminder that it is possible to move on from a breakup and find happiness again.


The timing of Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner's split is significant for several reasons. First, it suggests that the couple may have been experiencing problems in their relationship for some time. After six years of dating, most couples have worked through the initial challenges of a relationship and have established a strong foundation. However, Eggold and Turner's split suggests that they may not have been able to overcome whatever problems they were facing.

Second, the timing of the split may have been influenced by external factors. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic may have put a strain on the couple's relationship. The pandemic has caused many couples to spend more time together than they are used to, which can lead to increased conflict. It is possible that Eggold and Turner were not able to weather the storm of the pandemic together.

Finally, the timing of the split may simply be a coincidence. There is no way to know for sure what caused Eggold and Turner to split, but it is possible that they simply grew apart over time. Relationships change and evolve, and sometimes couples simply reach a point where they are no longer compatible.

Whatever the reason for the split, it is clear that the timing was significant. The fact that the couple split after six years of dating suggests that they may have been experiencing problems in their relationship for some time. The timing of the split may also have been influenced by external factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


There are several reasons why Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner may have chosen to keep the reasons for their split private. One reason is that they may want to protect their privacy. Breakups are often difficult and emotional, and Eggold and Turner may not want to share the details of their split with the public. Additionally, they may want to avoid speculation and gossip about their relationship.

Another reason why Eggold and Turner may have kept the reasons for their split private is that they may not want to damage their professional relationship. They continue to work together on the NBC series 'The Blacklist', and they may not want to create any tension or awkwardness on set. Additionally, they may want to avoid any negative publicity that could damage their careers.

Whatever the reason, it is important to respect Eggold and Turner's decision to keep the reasons for their split private. Breakups are difficult, and everyone has the right to privacy. It is also important to remember that Eggold and Turner are professionals, and they will continue to work together on 'The Blacklist'.

Impact on 'The Blacklist'

The fact that Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner continue to work together on 'The Blacklist' despite their split is a testament to their professionalism and commitment to the show. It is also a sign that they are able to put their personal lives aside and focus on their work. This is important because it shows that they are able to maintain a healthy working relationship, even though their romantic relationship has ended.

This is not always easy to do. When a couple splits up, it is often difficult to continue working together, especially if they are in a high-profile relationship. However, Eggold and Turner have shown that it is possible to do so with grace and maturity. They are both talented actors, and they are both committed to making 'The Blacklist' a success. This is a credit to both of them, and it is a sign that they are both true professionals.

The fact that Eggold and Turner are able to continue working together is also important for the show itself. 'The Blacklist' is a popular show, and it has a large following. The fans of the show would be disappointed if Eggold and Turner were to leave. By continuing to work together, they are ensuring that the show can continue to be successful for many years to come.

Fan reaction

The news of Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner's split was met with sadness by fans of the NBC series 'The Blacklist'. The couple had been together for over six years, and many fans had hoped that they would eventually marry. The split was unexpected, and it left many fans wondering what the future held for their favorite show.

The fan reaction to the split is understandable. Eggold and Turner were a popular couple, and their relationship was a major part of the show's storyline. Their split could potentially have a significant impact on the show, and fans are understandably concerned about what the future holds.

The fan reaction to the split also highlights the importance of fan engagement in television shows. Fans are invested in the lives of the characters, and they want to see them happy. When a popular couple splits up, it can be devastating for fans. This is because fans feel like they have lost a part of the show.

The Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner split is a reminder that even the most popular couples can break up. It is also a reminder that fan reaction to television shows is important. Fans are invested in the lives of the characters, and they want to see them happy.

Media coverage

The split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner was widely covered by the media for several reasons. First, Eggold and Turner are both well-known actors, and their relationship was of interest to the public. Second, the split was unexpected, as the couple had been together for over six years. Third, the split could potentially have a significant impact on the NBC series 'The Blacklist', in which both Eggold and Turner star.

The media coverage of the split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner highlights the public's interest in the lives of celebrities, the unexpected nature of the split, and the potential impact of the split on the NBC series 'The Blacklist'.


Following the split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner, the couple has chosen to keep their personal lives private. This decision is consistent with their long-standing commitment to privacy and their desire to protect their personal relationship from public scrutiny.

The decision by Eggold and Turner to keep their personal lives private is a reminder of the importance of privacy in relationships. It is important to set boundaries and to protect your personal relationship from public scrutiny. Eggold and Turner have shown that it is possible to have a happy and healthy relationship while still maintaining your privacy.


The fact that Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner remain friends after their split is a testament to their maturity and mutual respect. It is also a sign that they are both committed to maintaining a positive relationship, even though their romantic relationship has ended.

The friendship between Eggold and Turner is a reminder that it is possible to maintain a positive relationship with someone, even after a romantic relationship has ended. It is also a reminder that friendship is important, and that it should be cherished.

Moving on

The split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner was a significant event in their lives, but it is clear that both of them have moved on and are now happy in new relationships. This is a reminder that even though a relationship may end, it is possible to find happiness again.

The fact that Eggold and Turner have both moved on from their relationship is a reminder that it is possible to heal from a breakup and find happiness again. Time, new experiences, new relationships, and self-care can all help to heal the pain of a breakup and to move on to a happier future.

New relationships

Following his split from Elizabeth Turner, Ryan Eggold has moved on to a new relationship with Ally Hilfiger. This new relationship is significant for several reasons.

Overall, Eggold's new relationship is a sign that he has moved on from his split from Turner. He is happy and in a new relationship, and he is not afraid to show it off to the world.

FAQs on Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner Split

The split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner has been a topic of much discussion and speculation. Here are some frequently asked questions about the split:

Question 1: When did Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner split?

Answer: Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner split in 2021, after over six years of dating.

Question 2: Why did Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner split?

Answer: The reasons for the split have not been made public.

Question 3: Are Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner still friends?

Answer: Yes, Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner remain friends.

Question 4: Has Ryan Eggold moved on from Elizabeth Turner?

Answer: Yes, Ryan Eggold is now dating Ally Hilfiger.

Question 5: Has Elizabeth Turner moved on from Ryan Eggold?

Answer: There is no public information about Elizabeth Turner's current relationship status.

Question 6: What is the impact of the split on 'The Blacklist'?

Answer: Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner continue to work together on 'The Blacklist', despite their split.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner. It is important to remember that the split is a private matter, and the reasons for it are known only to the couple themselves.

The split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner is a reminder that even the most seemingly solid relationships can come to an end. It is also a reminder that it is possible to move on from a breakup and find happiness again.

Transition to the next article section:

The split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner has been widely covered by the media. The couple has chosen to keep their personal lives private since the split, but they have both moved on with their lives.

Tips on Moving On from a Breakup

A breakup is never easy, but there are things you can do to help you move on and find happiness again.

Tip 1: Allow yourself to grieve.

It's important to allow yourself to grieve the loss of your relationship. This means giving yourself time to feel the pain and sadness that comes with a breakup. Don't try to bottle up your emotions or pretend that you're over your ex. Allow yourself to cry, scream, or do whatever you need to do to process your emotions.

Tip 2: Focus on self-care.

One of the best things you can do for yourself after a breakup is to focus on self-care. This means taking care of your physical and mental health. Eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Spend time doing things that you enjoy and that make you happy. Surround yourself with positive people who support you and make you feel good about yourself.

Tip 3: Don't compare yourself to your ex.

It's easy to start comparing yourself to your ex after a breakup. But it's important to remember that everyone is different. Your ex may be moving on with someone new, but that doesn't mean that you're not good enough. Focus on your own journey and don't compare yourself to anyone else.

Tip 4: Give yourself time.

Healing from a breakup takes time. Don't expect to feel better overnight. Be patient with yourself and give yourself the time you need to heal. There will be days when you feel like you're taking two steps forward and one step back. But eventually, you will start to feel better and move on.

Tip 5: Seek professional help if needed.

If you're struggling to cope with your breakup, don't hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist can help you to process your emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and move on with your life.

Moving on from a breakup is not easy, but it is possible. By following these tips, you can start to heal and find happiness again.


Remember that you are not alone. Millions of people go through breakups every year. With time and effort, you will heal and move on to a happier and healthier future.


The split between Ryan Eggold and Elizabeth Turner was a significant event in their lives, as well as for fans of the NBC series 'The Blacklist'. The couple had been together for over six years, and their split was unexpected and amicable. Both Eggold and Turner have moved on with their lives, and they remain friends.

The split between Eggold and Turner is a reminder that even the most seemingly solid relationships can come to an end. It is also a reminder that it is possible to move on from a breakup and find happiness again. If you are going through a breakup, it is important to allow yourself to grieve and to focus on self-care. With time and effort, you will heal and move on to a happier and healthier future.

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