Aviva Drescher Doesn't Understand the Attraction to Harry Dubin 'It's Really Bizarre'

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Aviva Drescher can’t figure out why half of The Real Housewives of New York City cast romanticizes Harry Dubin. Drescher was married to Dubin and recently had a chuckle when she discussed how Dubin has become his own storyline on the series.

In fact, the cast played their own version of “pin the tail on the donkey” but swapped out a poster of a donkey with a large photo of Dubin. “I can’t even believe it that Harry is such a big deal on the show,” Drescher exclaimed on Heather Thomson’s In My Heart podcast. “It’s really bizarre.”

“To me, he’s [son] Harrison’s dad and he and I are friends,” she continued. “And I love him like a brother. And you know, I want him to be great and wonderful for Harrison. I want him to be happy. So I don’t even think about it that much.”

However, the current cast does think about Dubin quite a bit. While Ramona Singer, Luann de Lesseps, and Sonja Morgan seemingly still compete for Dubin’s affections, new cast member, Eboni K. Williams doesn’t get it either. “I don’t think he has that much money either,” she remarked a confessional. “He doesn’t have enough money for me.” Adding, “Ramona might have more money than him.”

On her podcast, Thomson observed how the women “pass him around.” Drescher doesn’t have an issue with other women lusting after her ex-husband because she has no romantic feelings toward him. “So anything after [their divorce] he is just Harrison’s dad,” she said. “I feel nothing.” She added, “I don’t get it. I don’t get the whole Harry thing.”

She said, “I love Harry. And I think he’s very handsome and I think he’s a gentleman and I think he’s kind. I think any time you walk into a room, Harry will always be the nicest person in the room. But I don’t understand, you know, all this romantic interest in Harry.”

While Drescher doesn’t understand the attraction, she does know why he’s had such staying power in the group. “So Sonja and Harry dated like years before I met Harry,” Drescher said on the Out in the Wild podcast. “And then they were friends, and then they dated on the show. And then they broke up on the show.” 

Drescher then reflected on how Dubin’s romances with some of the RHONY cast had on her son. She spoke specifically to a photo of Dubin and Singer in a liplock at a Manhattan restaurant. “You know, all I care about is my son [Harrison] that I have with Harry, and how these things affect him,” she said. “The kissing Ramona situation really bummed out my son. He was really bummed and got a lot of flack from it from his friends in high school. So that sucked and that’s also another reason I’m really happy I’m off the show.”

“But now it matters,” Drescher added. “[Harrison] was mortified. And I actually apologized to him because, in part, I’m the one who went on the show, and got that notoriety. Harry came on the show because of me. Because of that, his kiss with Ramona went viral and was a whole big thing. And because of that Harrison was completely taunted by his friends and embarrassed.”

Dresher said Morgan, Singer, and de Lesseps weren’t Dubin’s only RHONY romances. “Me, Ramona, Sonja, and Luann,” she counted. “Kelly [Bensimon] too.” But, Bensimon was, “Like off-camera,” she said. “Somewhere in the past few years. I’m not surprised [that he’s dated, five cast members]. Because I think at this age, late forties, early fifties, I think that there’s very few single, nice men out there.”
